Augusta County is grateful that you are growing your business here and we want to help make it easy for you to go through the county's business processes.  

Business License: Gross Receipts Tax

The business, professional and occupational license (BPOL) tax in Virginia is based on your business' gross receipts (revenue before deductions).

Different classes of occupations pay different rates, reflecting their relative operating margins. Your occupation category is based on your description of your business and any follow-up questions we might have, in accordance with the Code of Virginia. 

Each calendar year’s BPOL tax is based on the prior year’s gross receipts, except for the first year, which is based on itself. When you apply for a new business license, you will be asked to provide a good faith estimate of your first year’s gross receipts, and pay an estimated tax. This estimate will be corrected to actual in your second year. The first year is the only year you will be asked for an estimate.

When you apply for a business license, you will be registered for the appropriate tax types. Our business license administrator will be able to provide a more detailed estimate of your taxes and fees, depending on your business model.

BPOL Renewal and Gross Receipts Tax
Business Personal Property Tax
Machinery and Tools Tax
Business Real Estate Tax
Meals Tax - monthly
Lodging Tax - monthly

Important Dates for Business Owners 

30 Days – New businesses must apply for a business license within 30 days of beginning to avoid a late filing penalty.

20th of Every Month – Meals and Lodging taxes due. 

March 1 – all business licenses must be renewed to avoid a late filing penalty.

May 1 – all businesses must file business personal property returns including machinery and tools. 

June 5 – businesses must pay first half business real estate taxes.

December 5 – businesses must pay second-half real estate taxes and business personal property taxes.